Eye of a Needle: Pinhole Photography - Assignment 2


Camille Eudes, Self Portrait, 2023
Camille Eudes, Duration, 2023

 Camille Eudes, Where My Eyes Can Not Go, 2023

    Through the exploration of various handmade pinhole cameras, the artist was able to observe things that normal cameras or even the average eye do not allow one to see. In Self Portrait, the artist was able to observe what a curved surface creates in pinhole photography, as well as creating a panoramic format. In Duration, the artist was able to observe how the movement of a figure in photographs affects the final image and how duration can be played with in order to obtain different effects in an image. Finally, in Where My Eyes Can Not Go, the artist made use of a rectangular box like pinhole camera and paper cut in a cross shape to cover 5 sides of the camera rather than just covering 1 side. This has allowed the artist to obtain an image that seems distorted when flattened but otherwise looks normal when folded the way the image was taken. 
