Assignment 3 - Exposure Latitude and Depth of Field


18% grey : correct exposure

Depth of field : 22

Depth of field : 3.5

Second attempt for depth of field

First attempt for depth of field and exposure latitude

When I first attempted this assignment I struggled a lot with the depth of field component of the assignment because I expected that having objects in various areas closer and further away from me would help in successfully showing a larger range of depth of field. I found out that in reality, the further objects get from the camera, the larger the “slice of bread” that is covered by the camera. Therefore, it is more beneficial to photograph objects that are closer to the camera in order to capture the smallest “slices of bread”. Depth of field resembles a loaf of bread that is cut smallest closest to the camera and thickest far away. 

For the exposure latitude component of this assignment, I found that it was helpful to calculate one exposure more and one less than what was asked in the assignment because although I did my assignment during a clear skies weather, the amount of sunlight kept changing by the time I had calculated all my stops. By having one extra exposure in each direction, I was able to take note of which one was correctly exposed as I was taking them, thus reducing any chances for mistakes because of lightning changes.
