Lisa Steele - Research

 Lisa Steele is a Canadian video artist who’s work Birthday Suit with Scars and Defects is of interest to me when discussing ideas I chose to explore within my final project. 

Lisa Steele, Birthday Suit with Scars and Defects, 1974

Within this project, Steele removes her clothing and proceeds to show her scars and tell the stories behind these scars. In this sense the body is a vessel that gets damaged over time, and each usage or damage tells something different about the lived experience of the person. In showing closeups of bodies in my final project, I am interested in the history of each body among many other things. Showing the uniqueness and the variations between multiple people shows that each person has lived through different experiences. I have only been able to find small snippets of Steele’s video work, but nonetheless I find her work to be a fascinating way of telling her story.

Other sources I’ve encountered:
